# Wednesday, 08 September 2010

Thanks Carson for the link
posted on Wednesday, 08 September 2010 18:12:00 (Central Daylight Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [2]
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Saturday, 22 June 2013 20:11:06 (Central Daylight Time, UTC-05:00)
MIcrosoft epic win :S O.oye of little faithC4eva ceirtanly doesnt seem overly concerned about the current situation:c4eva Spoke! (2011-11-17 #fw)11Posted on 2011-11-17 by admin | Translate [2011-11-17 07:44AM UTC] #fw hello [2011-11-17 07:52AM UTC] #fw c4eva if ms can update dae anytime it wants does that mean it’s over for modders? [2011-11-17 07:54AM UTC] #fw skynets:no sounds like a man with a plan to me. Its just another step in the ongoing cat and mouse game that all those that use CFW (and have used for a while) are use to. At the moment, its just a case of people using their originals until it gets sorted. If people don't have the originals, well ..be prepared to screw the pooch
Thursday, 27 June 2013 01:21:43 (Central Daylight Time, UTC-05:00)
Just advise people to block xbox live by going to their router homepage usualy default set port blocking for ports 3074 and 88 this prevents the use of xbox live and it means you can still play online but you will have to use alternative methods for live play eg.xlink kai this is a software which allows online play via the system link option in the game.This may satisfy some people temporarily until the fix is complete just don't unblock the ports until the fix is here and applied you should be fine to go back online by unblocking the ports once you apply the fix they are working on.The router homepage address may vary depending on your router's initial setup so google it if it seems complex.This is a method used for playing banned 360's and none banned 360's online without xbox live subscription although the number of online players are limited.You would also need to allow port forwarding for xlink kai else you may find it is unable to connect so just google it.

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